How straightforward is the installation of the Avalon A8, and are special tools or professional help needed?
Asked 154 days ago⋅Modified 153 days ago
Some reviews mention installation difficulties. How easy was it for you to set up the Avalon A8? Did you need any special tools or professional assistance?
Elijah Daniel asked 154 days ago
1 Answer
The Avalon A8 countertop water cooler dispenser with a filter set is easy to set up and doesn't require any kind of DIY or specialist skills. The filter brackets clip onto the back of the machine, and the instructions in the manual are easy to follow. All parts are provided and the most you need are pliers or scissors to cut the PE tubing and to attach the valves to your main water source. There is also a double-headed adapter if you need to run water to another device.
Roger Shitaki answered 153 days ago