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At Shouldit, our committed team conducts exhaustive tests on kitchen tools and appliances. Our thorough evaluations and ratings ensure you make well-informed decisions, selecting the finest products each time.

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Two men arranging a row of immersion blenders on the table


We purchase all products at our own expense. Appliances are selected based on market research, unique product specifications, and consumer popularity. Furthermore, we do not procure any sponsorships nor do we receive donations. We have no stake in the reputation of any brand, popular or otherwise.

Man using a thermometer agaisnt an electric kettle on the table, surrounded by other electric kettles and a digital timer


Appliances in the same category undergo identical tests in the same environment. Tests are data-driven and collaboratively developed in order to avoid personal bias and inaccuracies. We design the tests ourselves and consult outside experts when necessary. Tests are user-based and devised to highlight product features, strengths, and weaknesses. All procedures, including taste-testing, involved three or more people.

Hands holding infrared thermometer and real time temperature monitor agaisnt a pan on the mini gas oven, surrounded by other infrared thermometers


All our testing procedures are documented in detail and available on our website. Our data is accompanied by photographic and video evidence for validation. Additionally, we provide a transparent explanation of how we assess, rank, and assign scores to all products. Our aim is to empower you to make well-informed and trusted purchasing decisions.

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