How easy is it to clean the InSinkErator Evolution Compact 3/4 HP?
Asked 234 days ago⋅Modified 234 days ago
I want to keep my garbage disposal clean and hygienic. How easy is this model to clean, and are there any areas that are particularly tricky?
Grace Hill asked 234 days ago
1 Answer
Cleaning the InSinkErator Evolution Compact is as tricky as with other garbage disposals. That said, you can keep the grinding chamber clean and sanitized with regular maintenance. Try grinding ice cubes with lime or lemon slices once a week or every two week. Doing this helps keep slime buildup in check while deodorizing the space. You should also flush the system with baking soda and vinegar occasionally (every one or two months) to wash off gunk.
Be Nguyen answered 234 days ago
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