How does the sound reduction technology in the Moen GXS75C compare to other models?
Asked 238 days ago⋅Modified 238 days ago
Noise level is a big concern for me. How does the sound reduction technology in the Moen GXS75C compare to other garbage disposals in terms of quiet operation?
Emma Wilson asked 238 days ago
1 Answer
The Moen GXS75C, in essence, is a lot similar to the other permanent magnet disposals you can find on the market (Waste King, AmazonCommercial, etc.) This is tosay the Moen GXS75C has the same noise reduction treatment, using a thin wrap of acoustic foam around the exterior of the grinding chamber. Although this type of treatment does have some effect, it does very little to reduce the overall noise level. SoundSeal from InSinkErator is a much more effective but more expensive technology.
Be Nguyen answered 238 days ago