Can you make popcorn in the Hamilton Beach 31401 Toaster Oven, and if so, what’s the best method?

Asked 272 days agoModified 268 days ago
My family loves popcorn, and we’re curious if we can make it in this toaster oven. What’s the best method for making popcorn in the Hamilton Beach 31401, and are there any tips for achieving the best results?
Sophbrownz56 asked 272 days ago

1 Answer

Making popcorn in an oven is way less efficient compared to doing so with a microwave or even stovetop. Unless you have a metal mesh container that can fit inside your oven, you'll risk uneven heating on the kernels and then them flying every where once they pop. If you do, just preheat the oven to 400 F and cook the popcorn kernels for 5-7 min until they all popped.
Hope this helps!
Alan Nguyen answered 268 days ago

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