NutriBullet vs. Vitamix Blender – A Detailed Comparison in 2024

NutriBullet and Vitamix offer some of the much-coveted blenders in the market. However, deciding on which to buy is no walk in the park. You need to consider several factors, including price, power, ease of use, warranty, and capacity.
In this post, we’ve prepared a detailed NutriBullet vs. Vitamix blender comparison to help you get the best blender for your needs.
Nutribullet vs. Vitamix Blender: What's The Difference?
Here’s a closer look at how NutriBullet compares to the Vitamix Blenders.
Price is a variable that depends on several factors, including quality, durability, performance, and size, among other factors. Vitamix blenders are usually quite expensive, even the smaller personal-size models.
NutriBullet is relatively cheaper and more affordable. Some of the latest blenders (both NutriBullet and Vitamix) come with extra features and add-ons that can attract a pretty hefty price tag. The Vitamix Perfect Blend Smart Scale, for instance, has a companion app for an amazing blending experience.
Vitamix has so much power for convenient and effective blending, including ice, fibrous veggies, and hard seeds. They’re also perfect for making fruit and vegetable smoothies. The Vitamix S-Series, such as the the S55 blenders, come with a motor of about 790 watts. The latest full-size Vitamix blenders such as the Vitamix Ascent Series, Vitamix Professional 750, and Vitamix 5200 feature motors with 2-peak or 2.2-peak horsepower.
NutriBullet blenders, on the other hand, have motor power ranging from 300 watts to about 1700 watts and can hardly handle lots of ingredients and blending daily (they’re convenient for two to three blendings a week). However, it’s powerful enough to make good smoothies, including carrots, fruits, and leafy greens. It has a milling blade uniquely designed to tend to a large variety of seeds.
The low power motor explains why NutriBullet is usually silent when blending, so you won’t have to worry about waking your loved ones whenever you need some midnight or morning smoothie.
Vitamix blenders come in a variety of sizes. The Vitamix S-Series, for instance, are available in two blending BPA-free containers: a wider 40-ounce container (large enough for preparing small family meals), or a tall 20-ounce container (for preparing individual smoothies to-go). But there are full-size blenders, with a capacity of 64-ounce.
NutriBullet blenders come with an assortment of different-sized blending cups ranging from small travel mugs to large-sized 45 oz cups. The cups also come with sports lids for convenience when converting them to travel mugs or recipe books.
Ease of Use
Both new Vitamix and NutriBullet blenders, are much easier to use and manage than the older versions. Some NutriBullet blenders come with built-in scales and Bluetooth connection. They also contain a companion app for convenient wireless communication with your blender. The app can recommend various recipes for you based on your dietary preferences and goals.
Vitamix offers stand-alone smart scales that you can connect to an accompanying app on your smartphone or tablet via Bluetooth. However, Vitamix differs from NutriBullet in that for Vitamix, the scale comes separately, which can be a great idea if you already have a Vitamix blender.
Vitamix also provides more control to the user as seen from their blenders with pre-set programs and a Variable Speed dial, which makes it much easier to use. NutriBullet has quite fewer controls than Vitamix hence a bit more effort is required.
Product warranty is one of the factors most people pay less attention to, yet it’s a very key factor worth considering before purchasing your blender. Both companies offer warranties for their products, but Vitamix has the best warranty offers you can get. It’s known for its long warranties, with most having an impressive 7-year manufacturer warranty and others having a 5-year warranty.
Most NutriBullet blenders offer a very short warranty, usually a 1-year standard warranty with some products coming with up to 4-year warranties. There have been a few instances where people have expressed facing some challenges when replacing damaged or worn-out NutriBullet parts. However, most of the issues arise from the retailers selling the product.
At this point, it’s easier for you to make a decision on which blender will be perfect for you personally. While NutriBullet and Vitamix differ in cost, warranty, power, and ease of use, the decision of which to buy largely depends on your needs. Both have unique pros and cons, as we have seen so far.
If you’re a “blender junkie” who loves to blend smooth blends on a daily basis, Vitamix can be your best heavy-duty option owing to its powerful motor designed to handle superior blending. But if you have a small household and you intend to blend less superior smoothies twice or thrice a week, a NutriBullet blender can be a good investment to consider. Vitamix is also more reliable in terms of container capacity and manufacturer warranty.
Regardless of your preferred blender between NutriBullet vs. Vitamix, it’s important that you take really good care of the product to enjoy the best possible blending experience.