Lap is Head of the Research, Testing, and Review Team (RTR Team) at, where he directs and supervises the testing of kitchen gadgets and appliances. He's a Saigon-based engineer with a passion for the intricacies of machinery and a background in control engineering and automation.

Lap spends most of his time in the lab, working closely with his team to cut through advertising claims and deliver unbiased, verifiable assessments. From a personal blender to an oven, if it can help save time and effort for the home cook, Lap and his team are on it.  Through rigorous testing and firsthand experience, they strive to provide consumers with valuable insights to help them make the right choices.

When he’s not at the RTR Lab, Lap can be found taking a jog around the streets of Saigon.


  • Engineering and automation
  • Home appliances
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Testing


Expertise: Control engineering and automation

Education: Associate Degree

Location: College of Industry and Trade (Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)

About Shouldit

Shouldit is a media website that publishes ratings, reviews, comparisons, videos, and buying guides for kitchen appliances. The website features unbiased research- and test-based reviews to help millions of cooks from around the world choose the right appliances for their home kitchen. Shouldit is a brand of Healthy Kitchen 101 LLC, a media company that focuses on making home cooking easy and sustainable for everyone. Learn About the Team and Our Editorial Policy.

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